News & Events



Group Meeting Schedule

Group Meetings are on Wednesdays at 3:30 pm in 421 Weill Hall unless otherwise indicated.

3/12 No group meeting
3/18 Lin (Tues, 3:30 in 421 Weill Hall)
3/26 No group meeting

4/2 Masaaki
4/9 No group meeting
4/16 Literature: Shiying and Brian
4/23 Beth
4/30 Nathan
5/7 Yuan-Ting
5/14 Julia
5/21 No group meeting
5/28 No group meeting
6/4 Jade
6/11 No group meeting (Protein Science Symposium)
6/18 Cassie

News Archive

  • Mar 11, 2025: Congratulations to Jeremy for winning the ACS Chemical Biology Young Investigator Award!
  • Mar 10, 2025: Welcome to our two newest undergraduate researchers, Cliff Zhang and Michael Kong!
  • Mar 6, 2025: Congratulations to Dylan on his new ChemRxiv preprint that harnesses photoaffinity labeling to discover interactors and physiological functions of an unusual three-tailed phospholipid! 
  • Jan 23, 2025: Congratulations to Lin and Xiaofu on their new bioRxiv preprint describing a role for the Cullin-3 adaptor SHKBP1 in preventing oligomerization of the autophagy adaptor SQSTM1/p62 and enhancing Keap1-mediated antioxidant signaling!
  • Jan 14, 2025: Congratulations to Brian and Julia on the publication of their magnum opus, “Synthetic Lipid Biology”, in Chem Rev!
  • Jan 3, 2025: We bid a fond farewell to Dylan Chiu (PhD #9) and wish him the best in his transition to an R&D position at TSMC! 
  • Nov 14, 2024: Congratulations to our newest PhD (#9 for the lab), Dr. Din-Chi (Dylan) Chiu, for passing his B exam today!
  • Aug 29, 2024: Check out Xiaofu’s paper on a phosphorylation-controlled system for conditional protein recruitment (MARS), published today in Nat Cell Biol! Congrats to Xiaofu as well as Shiying, Yuan-Ting, Dylan, and collaborators in the Smolka and McIntire labs!  
  • Aug 23, 2024: We wish a fond farewell to visiting student Shradda Vadodaria. Best wishes on the rest of your PhD at Imperial College in the Tate lab!
  • Aug 22, 2024: Congratulations to lab alum Reika on winning an ACS Division of Biological Chemistry Young Investigator Award and delivering a fantastic award lecture at the ACS National Meeting in Denver!
  • July 18, 2024: Check out our latest paper, by Lin, Harry, Dylan, and Reika, on using IMPACT to image inter-organelle lipid transport from the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic reticulum, in ACS Chem Biol!
  • June 11, 2024: Congratulations to Hongyan, Adnan, and Dylan for having their paper on Kramer as a regulator of Wnt signaling and stem cell proliferation in the Drosophila midgut published in iScience!
  • June 4, 2024: Welcome to Shradda Vadodaria, a PhD student from Imperial College London in Ed Tate’s lab, who is visiting our lab for a summer internship!
  • May 27, 2024: Interested in superresolution imaging of lipids? Check out Brittany’s methods article on Lipid Expansion Microscopy in Current Protocols!
  • May 19, 2024: Congratulations to Vashtí, undergraduate superstar and McNair Scholar, on her graduation! 
  • May 14, 2024: Congratulations to Shiying, whose collaborative paper with Laura Quirion and JF Côté from IRCM/Université de Montréal on ARF family interactomes is now published in J Cell Sci
  • Apr 19, 2024: Welcome to our newest lab member, Beth Ryan from the Chemistry & Chemical Biology graduate field!
  • Mar 13, 2024: Check out the First Reactions about Julia’s LOVPLD paper in ACS Cent Sci!
  • Mar. 6, 2024: Check out the research highlight of Julia’s LOVPLD paper in Nat Chem Biol!
  • Jan. 30, 2024: Congratulations to Julia, Masaaki, and Reika for having their LOVPLD membrane editor paper published in ACS Cent Sci!
  • Jan. 2, 2024: Our collaborative paper with Hening Lin’s lab on ER-mitochondria membrane contact sites is published in Mol Cell Proteomics!
  • Dec 20, 2023We wish a fond farewell to undergraduate researcher Morrow Zhang. Best wishes on your next endeavors!
  • Dec 19, 2023: Happy Holidays!
  • Dec 14, 2023Congratulations to Julia and Lin for winning 1st prize in the “Science” and “Around Cornell” categories for the 2023 Weill Institute Photo Contest!
  • Dec 5, 2023Congratulations to Yuan-Ting for passing her A exam!
  • Nov 8, 2023Congratulations to Nathan for passing his A exam!
  • Oct 25, 2023We welcome Richard Yuding Huang and Aditya Bhattacharyya, two first-year graduate students from Chemistry & Chemical Biology who have joined the lab!
  • Sept 28, 2023Check out these pieces on the Addgene Blog and in Nature Catalysis highlighting Reika’s recent superPLD paper
  • Aug 31, 2023Congratulations to Julia on her story on LOVPLD as an ultralow background membrane editor, with key contributions from Reika and Masaaki as well, published as a preprint on bioRxiv
  • Aug 21, 2023Congratulations to Masaaki for having his review on Chemical Approaches for Measuring and Manipulating Lipids at the Organelle Level published in Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives!
  • Aug 16, 2023Congratulations to Reika for having her collaborative paper on phosphatidic acid and mitochondria published in J Cell Biol!
  • Aug 14, 2023Congratulations to Masaaki for having the latest version of his SAVEMONEY manuscript published in eLife!
  • July 14, 2023Our last departure of the summer — with heavy hearts we wish goodbye to Dr. Xiaofu Cao, PhD #8 from the lab, who will be starting a position as Scientist at Voyager Therapeutics in Cambridge, MA. Bon voyage, Xiaofu!
  • July 7, 2023: The departures continue — today we wish a fond farewell to postdoctoral scholar Hongyan Sun, who will be starting a research position at Louisiana State University. Goodbye and good luck, Hongyan!
  • June 30, 2023: We wish a fond farewell to our lab’s first postdoctoral scholar, Brittany White-Mathieu, who will be starting a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of New Hampshire in Fall 2023. Goodbye and good luck, Brittany!
  • June 26, 2023Congratulations to Julia for passing her A exam!
  • June 23, 2023: Welcome to Omolara Atoyebi, our newest undergraduate researcher, from the CHAMPS program!
  • May 22, 2023: Congratulations to Reika, whose paper on directed evolution of a membrane editor is published in Nature Chemistry! Free link:
  • May 19, 2023: Huge congratulations to Brittany, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position at in the Department of Chemistry at the University of New Hampshire, where the White-Mathieu lab will open its doors in Fall 2023!
  • Apr 17, 2023: Want to sequence whole plasmids for much less money? Read Masaaki’s preprint describing SAVEMONEY, an algorithm that permits multiplexing for Oxford Nanopore long-read plasmid sequencing and try it out for yourself at our Google Colab page!
  • Mar 1, 2023: Congratulations to Shiying on her collaborative paper, now on bioRxiv, with the Jean-Francois Côté lab at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) discovering the Arf family protein ARL14 as a new effector of phospholipase D!
  • Feb 22, 2023: Congratulations to Hongyan (and lab alum Adnan) on the study showing kramer-dependent Wnt signaling in the control of Drosophila intestinal stem cell proliferation, now on bioRxiv!
  • Feb 2, 2023: Congratulations to Harry and Lin on their manuscript on bioorthogonal probes for imaging inter-organelle lipid transport, now available on bioRxiv! 
  • Jan 31, 2023: Welcome to new undergraduate student Morrow Zhang!
  • Jan 16, 2023: Welcome to new rotation student Nicolas Vergara Ruiz from BMCB!
  • Nov 28, 2022: Congrats to Dylan for having his paper on organelle-selective membrane labeling published in JACS Au
  • Nov 17, 2022: Check out the special issue on click & bioorthogonal chemistry in ACS Chem Biol celebrating the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which features papers from Jessica & Weizhi (as well as two papers from Jeremy’s PhD work)! 
  • Nov 8, 2022: Congratulations to Shiying for passing her A exam!
  • Nov 4, 2022: Congratulations to superstar undergraduate Vashtí Claybrook, who was selected to become a McNair Scholar!
  • Nov 3, 2022: Welcome to our newest member, Po Hsun Brian Chen, who is a first-year graduate student in the Chemistry & Chemical Biology program!
  • Oct 26, 2022: Read an interview in the Cornell Sun featuring Jeremy and Pam Chang that provides some background related to the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • Oct 24, 2022: Just published in Acc Chem Res: Dylan’s review, titled “Imaging and Editing the Phospholipidome“, for a special issue on the Chemical Biology of Lipids!
  • Oct 18, 2022: Check out Shiying’s review, “Adding a Chemical Biology Twist to CRISPR Screening,” in a special issue of Isr J Chem in honor of Carolyn Bertozzi being awarded the 2022 Wolf Prize in Chemistry!
  • Oct 7, 2022: If you missed Jeremy’s interview about the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry on WHCU 97.7 FM this morning with Joe Salzone, here is a link to a recording!   
  • Oct 5, 2022: Congratulations to Carolyn Bertozzi, Barry Sharpless, and Morten Meldal for winning the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of click chemistry & bioorthogonal chemistry! Read about our connections to some of the discoveries behind this year’s prize in the Cornell Chronicle and a story from May in Chemistry World about bioorthogonal chemistry! 
  • Oct 3, 2022: Congratulations to Brittany, whose paper, “Lipid Expansion Microscopy“, is now published as a Communication in J Am Chem Soc! 
  • Sept 26, 2022: Congratulations to Reika, whose paper on directed evolution of superPLDs as membrane editors, is available as a preprint on bioRxiv!
  • Aug 12, 2022: We wish congratulations and a fond farewell to Dr. Reika Tei, group PhD #7, who will be starting a postdoctoral position in Alice Ting’s lab at Stanford!
  • Aug 11, 2022: Congratulations to Xiaofu, whose paper on using proximity labeling to elucidate spatiotemporal regulation of ubiquitination during mitosis, is published at ACS Chem Biol!
  • Aug 5, 2022: We wish farewell to Babatunde Patrick Ajayi, our summer undergraduate from the CHAMPS program. Congratulations on your great final presentation!
  • July 8, 2022: Check out Dylan’s new preprint on ChemRxiv: Organelle-selective membrane labeling through PLD-mediated transphosphatidylation!
  • June 22, 2022: Congratulations to Reika for passing her B exam today, making her PhD #7 from the lab!
  • June 1, 2022: Congratulations to Jeremy for his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure!
  • May 31, 2022: Our lab’s work is highlighted in a feature article on bioorthogonal chemistry in Chemistry World!
  • May 31, 2022: We wish a fond farewell to Weizhi, who will soon be starting a position at WuXi Biologics in New Jersey!
  • May 28, 2022: Congratulations to Weizhi and Reika, who walked at Cornell Commencement in celebration of earning their PhD degrees now or in the very near future!
  • May 13, 2022: Congratulations to Reika, for being awarded a Tunis Wentink prize, the highest honor for graduating PhD students from the Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology!
  • Apr 28, 2022: Xiaofu’s News & Views in Nat Cell Biol, “Phosphoinositide phosphorylation sans kinase“, is published!
  • Apr 21, 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Weizhi Yu for his successful B exam (thesis defense)!
  • Apr 8, 2022: New group photos!
  • Apr 7, 2022: Reika’s review on click chemistry and optogenetic approaches to visualize and manipulate phosphatidic acid signaling, to celebrate Jeremy’s 2021 ASBMB award, is published in J Biol Chem! 
  • Apr 6, 2022: Congratulations to Masaaki for being awarded a prestigious Human Frontier Science Program postdoctoral fellowship! 
  • Apr 4-5, 2022: Brittany, Xiaofu, Weizhi, and Jeremy present talks and posters describing the latest discoveries from the lab to enraptured audiences at the 2022 ASBMB Annual Meeting in Philadelphia! 
  • Apr 1, 2022: Congratulations to Brittany, whose paper, titled “Lipid Expansion Microscopy”, is available as a preprint on ChemRxiv
  • Jan 24, 2022: Congratulations to Xiaofu, whose paper on the spatial regulation of ubiquitination during mitosis is available as a preprint on bioRxiv!
  • Dec 15, 2021: Weizhi’s paper on chemoproteomics tools for understanding PLD-mediated ethanol metabolism is published in ACS Chem Biol!
  • Dec 2, 2021: Congratulations to Reika for winning a Norton B. Gilula Award from ASCB! 
  • Nov 22, 2021: Congratulations to Tim, Shiying, and Reika: their paper applying IMPACT to genome-wide CRISPR screening is published in PNAS today!
  • Nov 22, 2021: See the writeup on ACS Axial on Jeremy’s recent ICBS award!
  • Nov 19, 2021: Check out Weizhi’s News & Views in Nat Chem Biol, “There is a lock for every key“!
  • Nov 18, 2021: Welcome to Shun Enomoto, a rotation student from the Biochemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology graduate field!
  • Nov 12, 2021: Welcome to Lin Luan, a graduate student from the Biochemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology graduate field, who is joining the lab!
  • Nov 8, 2021: Congratulations to Jeremy for receiving a Young Chemical Biologist Award from the International Chemical Biology Society!
  • Nov 3, 2021: Congratulations to Harry for passing his B exam and becoming Dr. Dongjun Liang!
  • Oct 22, 2021: Alex’s paper on the palmitoylation code for controlling plasma membrane PI 4-kinase activity is published in its final form in J Cell Sci in the Cell Biology of Lipids special issue!
  • Oct 20, 2021: Welcome to three (!) new graduate students from the Chemistry & Chemical Biology graduate field, Yuan-Ting Cho, Nathan Frederick, and Julia Li, who are joining the lab!
  • Oct 4, 2021: We wish a fond farewell to Alex Batrouni, the lab’s PhD #4 (and PhD #1 from BMCB) and best of luck in his new position as a researcher in biotech at Berg Health in Framingham, MA!
  • Sept 27, 2021: Congratulations to Alex, whose paper on the palmitoylation code, has been accepted to J Cell Sci for the Cell Biology of Lipids special issue!
  • Sept 22, 2021: A belated welcome to Masaaki Uematsu, who joined our group earlier this month as a postdoctoral scholar, and congratulations to Masaaki for being awarded a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship!
  • Sept 20, 2021: Congratulations to Alex Batrouni for passing his B exam and becoming Dr. Batrouni!
  • Sept 20, 2021: Welcome to Lin Luan and Jingyi Hu, rotation students from BMCB!
  • Aug 24, 2021: Our group meeting time has moved to Wednesdays at 3:30 pm (same room, 421 Weill Hall).
  • Aug 19, 2021: Congratulations to Dylan for passing his A exam with flying colors!
  • July 28, 2021: Weizhi’s manuscript, “A chemoproteomics approach to profile phospholipase D-derived phosphatidyl alcohol interactions“, is posted on ChemRxiv. Congratulations!
  • July 23, 2021: Check out Reika’s review, “Induced proximity tools for precise manipulation of lipid signaling,” published in Curr Opin Chem Biol!  
  • July 14, 2021: Congratulations to Reika, whose paper “Optical Control of Phosphatidic Acid Signaling,” is published in ACS Cent Sci! Read about this exciting photopharmacology collaboration with the Trauner lab at NYU.
  • June 22, 2021: Congrats to Harry, whose paper “Activity-based, bioorthogonal imaging of phospholipase D reveals spatiotemporal dynamics of GPCR-Gq signaling“, is published in Cell Chem Biol!
  • June 14, 2021: Check out Alex’s manuscript, “A palmitoylation code controls PI4KIIIα complex formation and PI(4,5)P2 homeostasis at the plasma membrane“, posted on bioRxiv!
  • June 9, 2021: Welcome to Vashti Claybrook ’24, our newest undergraduate researcher!
  • June 8, 2021: Congratulations to Reika for being awarded a 2021 Hsien and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship!
  • May 28, 2021: Happy Commencement 2021 to all the graduates, especially to Adnan, Alex, and Dongjun, who walked at this year’s ceremony! 
  • May 24, 2021: Goodbye to newly minted Dr. Adnan Shami Shah and undergraduate Kane Wu. Best of luck in your future endeavors (postdoc at Harvard in the Walt lab for Adnan and Yale Med School for Kane)! 
  • May 14, 2021: Congratulations to Adnan for winning the Tunis Wentink Prize, the highest honor for graduate students from the Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, for outstanding research and academic achievement!
  • May 12, 2021: Welcome to Yizhen Jin, a student from BMCB, for a rotation in the lab! 
  • May 1, 2021: Alex’s review on the chemistry and biology of PI(4)P at the plasma membrane is published in Bioorg Med Chem!
  • Apr. 30, 2021: Congratulations to Jeremy for being awarded the Walter A. Shaw Young Investigator Award in Lipid Research, at the annual ASBMB meeting. Read more here, here, and here!
  • Mar. 29, 2021: Huge congratulations to Dr. Adnan Shami Shah, our third Ph.D. graduate, who passed his B exam today. Nearly PhinisheD!
  • Mar. 5, 2021: The Cornell Chronicle has highlighted Adnan and Xiaofu’s recent Cancer Research paper identifying PLEKHA4 as a new drug target for melanoma!
  • Feb. 19, 2021: Check out our new video virtual tour and introduction to the lab, embedded above and on our new YouTube channel! Many thanks to Dylan and Shiying, our expert videographers!
  • Feb. 12, 2021: A Lunar New Year’s present — Adnan and Xiaofu’s study implicating PLEKHA4 in melanoma proliferation is published online today in Cancer Res. Congratulations!
  • Feb. 4, 2021: We bid farewell to Dr. Tim Bumpus, our second Ph.D. graduate. Tim has been recruited to be a policy analyst at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, a non-partisan science and technology think tank in northern Virginia. Congratulations, Tim — we will miss you!
  • Nov. 6, 2020: Welcome to BMCB student Jonathon Thomalla, for a rotation!
  • Nov. 3, 2020: Our News & Views in Nat Cell Biol, titled “A MAP for PI3K Activation on Endosomes“, is published. Congratulations to Alex!
  • Oct. 23, 2020: Welcome to Shiying Huang, a CCB first-year student who is joining the lab!
  • Sept. 29, 2020: Congratulations to soon-to-be Dr. Tim on passing his B exam today! Tim, you have certainly had a major “IMPACT” on the lab!
  • Sept. 24, 2020: Our Preview article in Cell Chem Biol, titled “For Wnt Signaling, Fucosylation of LRP6 Is a Bitter Pill,” is published. Congratulations to Adnan and Hongyan!
  • Sept. 15, 2020: Welcome to BMCB student Justin Tapper, for a rotation!
  • July 30, 2020: Congratulations to Adnan and Xiaofu, whose latest work implicating PLEKHA4 in promoting pathological Wnt signaling in melanoma is available as a preprint on bioRxiv!
  • June 24, 2020: Tim and Harry’s methods article on IMPACT has been published in Methods in Enzymology. Read it to learn all the ins and outs of which flavor of IMPACT is best for your PLD activity-detecting needs!
  • June 23, 2020: Brittany’s tutorial review on lipid chemical biology, co-written with Neal Devaraj at UCSD and members of his lab, is published in Chemical Society Reviews: “Lipids: chemical tools for their synthesis, modification, and analysis.”
  • June 11, 2020: After a hiatus of almost three months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are beginning a careful return to the lab, with health measures, physical distancing, and de-densification/limited lab occupancy, in accordance with Cornell University guidelines and safety procedures.
  • Apr. 14, 2020: After Harry’s successful talk at the ASBMB Lipid Seminar series last Friday, please join for Reika’s presentation this Friday at 2 PM EST via Zoom. See the ASBMB link for details for how to sign up
  • Apr. 9, 2020: Congratulations to Reika for her collaborative paper on a new role for ESCRT-III and ER-plasma membrane contact sites in the maintenance of cellular lipid homeostasis, work led by Jeff Jorgensen and Scott Emr, published today in Mol Biol Cell!
  • Mar. 25, 2020: Along with many other labs in Weill Hall and across Cornell’s campus, we have donated our nitrile gloves and N95 masks to the Cayuga Medical Center to help the amazing health care workers there keep our community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Mar. 18, 2020: With a heavy heart, we are winding down our research activities and shutting down the lab, temporarily, due to COVID-19, along with the rest of Cornell and colleagues across the world. We’ll get through this, and we’ll be back!
  • Mar. 6, 2020: Reika’s paper on optogenetic phospholipase D, officially in print as of Mar. 2, received a glowing recommendation on F1000 from Tamas Balla: “extremely exciting,” “an impressive repertoire of novel genetic and chemical tools,” and “a tour de force, combining chemical, genetic, and cell biology approaches to learn new biology about lipid control of signaling cascades.” OptoPLD has been sent to several research labs around the world and will soon be available on Addgene.
  • Feb. 21, 2020: Check out the beautiful cover image in ACS Chemical Biology for Jessica’s paper!
  • Feb. 6, 2020: A big welcome to two new lab members: Dr. Hongyan Sun, a postdoctoral scholar, and Neal Vasireddi, an undergraduate researcher!!
  • Jan. 30, 2020: Congratulations to Reika, whose paper on development of an optogenetic PLD for spatiotemporal control of phosphatidic acid signaling is published today in J Cell Biol!
  • Jan. 24, 2020: Congratulations to Jessica, whose paper on clickable galactose analogs is published in ACS Chem Biol!
  • Dec. 13, 2019: We wish “bon voyage” to Dr. Jessica Daughtry, our first PhD graduate. Today, Friday the 13th, is her last day in the lab. Watch this space for exciting news about Jessica: her paper on clickable galactose analogs for imaging glycosylation in zebrafish. It is currently a preprint on ChemRxiv, and look for it to be published shortly!
  • Nov. 12, 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Jessica Daughtry, our lab’s first PhD graduate, for passing her B exam (thesis defense)!
  • Oct. 29, 2019: A big welcome to our newest lab member, Dylan Chiu, from the Chemistry & Chemical Biology graduate field!
  • Oct. 18, 2019: Welcome to Jacob Odell, our newest rotation student from the Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology graduate field!
  • Sept. 24, 2019: Congratulations to Weizhi for passing his A exam!
  • Sept. 4, 2019: Congratulations to Xiaofu for passing her A exam!
  • Aug. 27, 2019: Congratulations to Jeremy for being selected as a 2019 American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry Young Academic Investigator!
  • Aug. 24, 2019: Congratulations to Brittany for being awarded a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (F32) postdoctoral fellowship from the NIH/NIGMS!  
  • Aug. 5, 2019: Check out this feature article in the Cornell Chronicle that highlights our recent advances!
  • July 23, 2019: Congratulations to Jeremy for winning the 2020 Walter A. Shaw Young Investigator Award in Lipid Research from the ASBMB!
  • July 18, 2019: Congratulations to Reika for winning the award for the best talk by a graduate student at the 2019 Molecular Membrane Biology Gordon Research Seminar & Conference!
  • July 16, 2019: Our latest advance for imaging PLD activity and phospholipid trafficking is published today in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Congratulations to Harry, Kane, Reika, Tim, and Johnny!
  • July 8, 2019: Welcome to Cristina DeOliveira, a student in the Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology graduate field, for a summer rotation in the lab!
  • June 3, 2019: Welcome back to undergraduate Chris Diaz, winner this year of the Frank L. and Lynnet Douglas Fellowship for Summer Research!
  • May 26, 2019: Congratulations to the lab’s two graduating seniors, Felice Liang (Chemistry and Biology, with honors) and Amith Punyala (Biology, with honors)! We will miss you tremendously. Best of luck in your new adventures as research technicians, at Caltech in the Hoelz Lab (Felice) and at the NCI/Emory in the Keserwala lab (Amith)! 
  • May 26, 2019: Congratulations to Jessica Daughtry, who “walked” and received her Ph.D. hooding in the commencement festivities and will soon become the lab’s first Ph.D. graduate! Stay tuned for updates here in the coming weeks and months.
  • May 14, 2019: A major study, led by Adnan and with important contributions from several other lab members and collaborators at Cornell, is published today in Cell Reports. The main findings are that PLEKHA4/kramer is a novel phosphoinositide-binding protein that controls Dishevelled ubiquitination and modulates the strength of Wnt signaling pathways. Congratulations!
  • May 14, 2019: A big day for the lab indeed: a collaborative study with Lew Cantley’s group at Weill Cornell Medicine on new roles for phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinases is also published in the same issue of Cell Reports… and we bid adieu to not one but two outstanding undergraduates, Felice Liang and Amith Punyala. Both will pursue exciting research opportunities at Caltech and Emory, respectively, following their graduation.
  • Apr. 23, 2019: Tim’s “Technology of the Month” feature in Trends in Biochemical Sciences is published. Read here to learn about “Getting a Grip on Greasy Molecules.”
  • Apr. 22, 2019: Congratulations to Jessica for winning the Bauer Scholarship Award from the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, for outstanding academic and research performance and scholarly activity. The Bauer Award funds supported Jessica’s recent trip to give a seminar at her alma mater, Penn State. 
  • Mar. 16, 2019: Congratulations to Kane for winning 2nd prize for best poster presentation at the Second Annual Chemistry Undergraduate Research Symposium! 
  • Feb. 19, 2019: Our lab’s work has been recognized by a Sloan Research Fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to Jeremy! See the story in the Cornell Chronicle.
  • Feb. 16, 2019: Welcome to our lab’s newest member, Amanda Conwell, an undergraduate major in Human Biology, Health and Society!
  • Jan. 2, 2019: Welcome to our lab’s newest member and first postdoctoral scholar, Dr. Brittany White! Brittany comes to our lab from the University of Oregon, where she just completed a PhD in Organic Chemistry, focusing on synthetic methods and biological imaging applications of carbon nanohoops. 
  • Nov. 30, 2018: Our work on phosphoinositide signaling, recently funded by the NIH, is featured on the Cornell Research website!
  • Nov. 17, 2018: Trends in Biochemical Sciences published an interview with Jeremy titled A Life at the Interface Between Chemical and Cell Biology
  • Oct. 27, 2018: Tim’s review, “Greasing the wheels of lipid biology with chemical tools”, is published in Trends in Biochemical Sciences!
  • Oct. 25, 2018: Our work on phosphatidic acid signaling is featured on the Cornell Research website!
  • Oct. 23, 2018: Our work on phosphoinositide signaling, and its potential to yield exciting new scientific discoveries, has been recognized with an NIH R01 grant. Thank you to the NIGMS for supporting our work and to all Baskin Lab members for their hard work and dedication!
  • Aug. 27, 2018: Welcome to our newest member, Paris Ghazi, an undergraduate Chemistry major!
  • Aug. 19, 2018: Tim delivers a fantastic seminar at the ACS National Meeting in Boston, MA, as part of his recognition for being awarded the 2018 Gordon Hammes Scholar Award jointly from Biochemistry and the ACS Division of Biological Chemistry.
  • July 27, 2018: Congratulations to Reika for passing her A exam!
  • July 5, 2018: Congratulations to Kane for being named a Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholar!
  • June 25, 2018: Congratulations to Harry for passing his A exam! 
  • June 8, 2018: Welcome to our newest member, Chris Diaz, an undergraduate from the HHMI CHAMPS program!
  • June 7, 2018: Our work on phosphatidic acid signaling has been recognized with an NSF CAREER award. Thank you to the NSF for the support and to all the Baskin Lab members for their hard work and dedication!
  • May 25, 2018: As the semester winds to a close, we bid au revoir to Wendy and Jonathan and wish them the best in their future endeavors. Congratulations to Wendy, who is graduating from Cornell this weekend and earning the highest latin honors and an honors degree in chemistry. We wish her all the best as she transforms from being a Cornell Big Red Bear to a Cal Golden Bear and will begin her graduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley this fall!
  • May 4, 2018: Congratulations to Tim, for winning the 2018 Gordon Hammes Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society Division of Biological Chemistry and Biochemistry! Read more about Tim’s award and an interview with him on the ACS website and a highlight on the Cornell C&CB website. Tim will present his work at an award symposium at the upcoming ACS National Meeting in Boston this coming August.
  • Apr. 4, 2018: The group is featured on the Cornell Research website: The Body’s Greasy Molecules—and Cancer.
  • Apr. 3, 2018: Congratulations to Wendy for being awarded an NSF graduate research fellowship! 
  • Mar. 5, 2018: Congratulations to Felice for earning 3rd prize for her poster at the Cornell Undergraduate Chemistry Research Symposium! 
  • Dec. 1, 2017: Tim’s recent IMPACT paper in ACS Central Science is highlighted in F1000 Prime!
  • Nov. 2, 2017: Tim and Felice’s paper “Ex Uno Plura” (from one, many) is published in Biochemistry. We look forward to it being part of the Future of Biochemistry special issue in Jan. 2018!
  • Oct. 27, 2017: Congratulations to Jessica for winning the Proctor & Gamble Ph.D. Fund award!
  • Oct. 26, 2017: Welcome to our two newest lab members, Xiaofu Cao and Weizhi Yu, from the Chemistry & Chemical Biology graduate field!
  • Oct. 25, 2017: Tim’s IMPACT paper is featured on the cover of the October 2017 issue of ACS Central Science!
  • Oct. 4, 2017: Tim’s paper on IMPACT is published in ACS Central Science. Congratulations! And many thanks to the Cornell Chronicle for highlighting our work: “Advance in lipid imaging could impact cancer treatment.”
  • Sept. 19, 2017: Welcome to Jonathan Lee and Kane Wu, two new Chemistry and Chemical Biology undergraduate students!
  • June 21, 2017: Congratulations to Amith for being named a Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholar!
  • June 19, 2017: Welcome to Jade Pace, an undergraduate from the HHMI CHAMPS program!
  • June 14, 2017: Jeremy’s Beckman Young Investigator Award is highlighted in the Cornell Chronicle.
  • June 12, 2017: Congratulations to Alex for passing his A exam! Our inaugural class of second-year students is batting 1.000.
  • May 20, 2017: Congratulations to Tim for receiving an NSF graduate fellowship!
  • May 19, 2017: Congratulations to Jeremy for receiving a Beckman Young Investigator Award from the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation!
  • May 19, 2017: Congratulations to Tim for passing his A exam!
  • May 12, 2017: Congratulations to Adnan for passing his A exam!
  • Jan. 28, 2017: Felice Liang, a Chemistry and Chemical Biology undergraduate students, has joined the group!
  • Dec. 21, 2016: Congratulations to Johnny Ye, Chemistry Class of 2017, on graduating from Cornell!
  • Oct. 28, 2016: Welcome to our two newest lab members, Dongjun Liang and Reika Tei, from the Chemistry & Chemical Biology graduate field!
  • Sept. 27, 2016: Tim’s paper is highlighted in the Cornell Chronicle: “New imaging method developed for lipid with many functions.”
  • Sept. 16, 2016: Tim’s paper is published in Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations!
  • July 11, 2016: Our research was highlighted in the Cornell Chronicle and the College of Arts & Sciences (and, briefly, the Cornell homepage)!
  • June 1, 2016: Amith Punyala, a Biology undergraduate student, has joined the group!
  • May 16, 2016: Alex Batrouni, a graduate student from the BMCB program, has joined the lab. Bienvenue!
  • Mar. 1, 2016: Jeremy is named a Nancy and Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences.
  • Jan. 13, 2016: Welcome to Alex Batrouni, a graduate student from the Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology field, who is rotating in the lab for the next couple months.
  • Nov. 16, 2015: Jeremy’s work from his postdoc connecting plasma membrane phosphoinositides to a brain white matter disease is published in Nature Cell Biology and highlighted in the Yale News and the Yale Daily News.
  • Nov. 5, 2015: Jessica’s work on the total synthesis of surugatoxin alkaloids from Chad Lewis’s group is published in the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Congratulations!
  • Sept. 14, 2015: Wendy Cao, a Chemistry and Chemical Biology undergraduate student, has joined the group!
  • Sept. 8, 2015: Johnny Ye, a Chemistry and Chemical Biology undergraduate student, has joined the group!
  • Aug. 1, 2015: A hearty welcome to Jessica Daughtry, a Chemistry and Chemical Biology graduate student who has joined the group!
  • July 2015: The website is up! The lab will open its doors in early August 2015.
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